Why my Medium writing isn’t taking off

Lula Goldsmith
3 min readJul 15, 2021

Unfortunately, I’m to blame

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You’d think a psychology student and Gen Z would know exactly how to 1. understand what my readers want and 2. be able to use Medium (and technology) to advantage. I certainly believed that with a little hope, lots of determination, and some manifesting, I’d be looking at getting at least £50 a month off of my work posted on Medium. Boy was I wrong.

So far, I have managed to make 70p since March 2021. And I don’t really have anyone to blame. This generation of side hustles and creators have made it easy for me to convince myself that I’ll be an overnight success, or at least minorly popular over the course of a few months. The trouble is, everytime something I work on gets sent out there and I don’t get more than 4 fans, my laptop screen is squashed flat against its’ keyboard, the book on my bedside table is picked up, and my day is filled with distractors… The motivation to continue writing, when no one wants me to, has begun to diminish. And I sure am disappointed in myself.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Writing is my first love, and I continue to scrawl away on my own, quietly, passionately, most days. But finishing a piece? Unlikely story. I have become my



Lula Goldsmith

Business psychology and consumer behaviour: from tech to culture trends